Jason Bishop Illusion Show Coming to Macey Center Feb. 24

Feb. 8, 2023


Jason Bishop
Jason Bishop

SOCORRO, N.M. -那些想要逃离仲冬的人会发现这里充满活力,快节奏, 由国际获奖的魔术师和魔术师表演 who is coming to Macey Center Friday, Feb. 24. The Jason Bishop Illusion Show will return to New Mexico Tech for a 7:30 p.m. performance timed to coincide with the Science Olympiad该活动吸引了全州的中学生和高中生参加全天的活动 competition on Saturday, Feb. 25.

魔术师表演的门票成人15美元,老年人12美元 65岁及以上,17岁及以下的青少年5美元,NMT学生免费 available online at at yogaintheusa.com/pas.

毕晓普和他的助手,金·赫斯,组成了最大的巡回魔术和 在美国,他每年平均演出150场 学院和大学、游轮、表演艺术中心、剧院和公司 events. 这场表演以大型幻象、戏法和“近距离”魔术为特色, 它被现场捕捉并投射到液晶屏幕上,让观众有一个清晰的画面 view of every detail. 毕晓普是目前美国唯一的魔术师 以罕见的双悬浮巡回演出,他的演出还突出了等离子幻觉 and op-art. 毕晓普还融合了幽默、摇滚和流行音乐的配乐以及观众 participation into his shows.

表演艺术系列总监Ronna Kalish说Bishop把他的表演带到 NMT about seven years ago and delighted the audience.

“It was a really fun show,” she said. “We’re thrilled that he’s coming back to Socorro 我们很高兴这次表演是在科学奥林匹克竞赛的前夕 周五到达的高中生也有机会参加. It’s a great show for all ages.”

当地赞助商是索科罗市,国家射电天文台和 Associated Universities Inc., A-1 Quality Redi Mix; NMT Student Government Association, and Energetic Materials Research and Training Center. Check the PAS website, yogaintheusa.com/pas, for live streaming links.